My poem “The Balloon Artist Falls in Love” has received Honorable Mention in the 2012 Crab Creek Review poetry contest.  That poem and another, “Heave the Burden,” will be published in their upcoming issue.  Check out the journal at  The judge’s comments on the winning poems appear on the journal’s blog.

The book is out!  If you ordered a copy of The Division of Standards, you should have received it.  I hope you will find something in it that clears a little space in your brain.

To order a copy, you can go to .  I’m hoping to have something set up soon (ahem, Robert?) so you can order both of the chapbooks via this website and save yourself some postage.   In the meantime, I am working away at a book-length manuscript with an incredibly cool title that will only be revealed if and when the book sees the light of day.

On August 23, I will be reading at the Ludington Area Center for the Arts in Ludington, Michigan, my beautiful, odd hometown.  Poetry, beautiful beaches and forests, skeptical locals, and The Mitten Bar.  What more could you ask?    The event also features Mitch Grabois who will be reading from his novel Two-Headed Dog.  Visit for information.